So all this baseball talk, and the blue jays leaving something like 50 runners on in four games has got me all emotional and sentimental. I started thinking of how much I used to love going to games and bashing the hell out of some of the players that I just cannot stand. I still do, usually
just to the Yankee's, cause I can't stand Derek Jeter. It's just not right that he keeps from the world that he is a homo. It's false advertising for the ladies, and besides, it's probably best that things are put out there in the open. Disclaimer, calling all blue jays fans to help with me to celebrate Derek Jeter's homosexuality when the Yankee's visit Toronto next, and chant HO-MO, HO-MO, HO-MO.

Got side tracked there. With the crap-tacular two series the blue jays just played, it has brought memories back from when I used to be more, lets say vocal, at the games (which is soon to return this weekend by the way). My friends and I used to go to every series the the Jays played the Royals, and later on, the White Sox. We didn't miss one game in any of those home series. Why?
To help my favourite player realize that BO actually doesn't know a damn thing. God I hate Bo Jackson. One of MLB's biggest tool's ever. Neon Dion was WAY better. I'll give it to Dion just based on hair.

The story goes, that these 3 young men - 13-15 years old to be exact loved to jeer Jackson. We were civil. We dropped F'bombs only by mistake, and the people around us got to know us with our passion for hating on BO. After all, he had to run by us on his way to left field every inning, and had to hear us scream every time a pitch was on it's way. It's no secret, Bo Jackson sucked when he played against the Jays, and the Blue Jays have myself and my comrades to thank for that. From '92 to '94, Bo Jackson went 2 for 23. That's right... 2 for 23. That's a .087 Batting average. Bo obviously didn't like 11-14 year olds. What a tool. Actually, in the final game that I ever saw Bo Jackson play in, we actually got him to give us the middle finger. On his jog back from making an alright catch against the wall to end the inning, we continued to jeer him, cause all he did was close his eyes and hope for the best. On his way in, he blocked his dugout's view, and gave us the bird. In all it's glory, we lost it. As well as, I'd say, about 30-40 spectators around us, all gave us a standing O. Bo Jackson let some kids get to him. A true ambassador of the game, gave us the bird.
Dear Bo Jackson, thank you.

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