Did he, or didn't he?
Do you believe the trainer? Or the player?
Honestly, it is believed here at Givener, that both are lying to a certain extent. But I do believe the Roger did take steroids. But here 'lies' the catch 22. Does it really matter? Whether he did or not, yes, tarnishes his reputation - but it WASN'T ILLEGAL!! There were no rules in baseball saying that HGH or steroids were against MLB policy. Clemens found a way to be dominant within the rules, and thus did so. If I were him, I'd just shut up and enjoy the rest of my life. Why deny it? Pettite manned up. Is Pettite a Hall of Famer? Probably not, but as I grow older, I'll remember Pettite as a guy who was a big game performer. I hate him as much as I hate Jeter, but you cannot deny their ability to come up big when it mattered.
So Clemens 'cheated' - who cares. If he gets in the Hall - Pete Rose belongs there as well. The biggest difference between the two is that Rose did something that was illegal - he bet on baseball. But really, how can he gamble the fact that he has more career hits than anyone in MLB history. If Clemens goes, so does McGwire, Rose and Bonds.
What do we think here? None of them go. The most deserving is Rose - but he broke the rules, thus pays the consequences. If MLB wants to instill drug bans, they have to set a precedent and not let these players be eligible for the hall.
Oh, and for the record, we think he's a class act pointing the finger at his wife for using HGH for a magazine cover.... nice

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