I think that's what TBS stands for. Even as a loyal Jays fan, I cannot stand Buck Martinez. He was a catcher wasn't he? So doesn't that mean he should know a thing or two about baseball? These guys are BRUTAL. Again, as a fan from the American League, watching the National League Championship was that more exciting, due to seasoned veterans of the broadcast booth. And then they had that idiot with the wig (Craig Sager), and the horrible suit doing coverage at field level. What's he supposed to be? The Don Cherry of baseball? At least Don is amusing to watch, this guy is just amusing to look at. I never thought I'd get to the day where I prayed for something to be on the Fox network. At least they have good play by play guys. I started to listen to the games on the radio with Dan Schulman, or John Miller, or whoever ESPN had covering the games. Seriously, I don't care how much money TBS paid for those rights, please MLB, don't let them cover the playoffs.
Back to Buck.... he has horrible insight. Some of the pitches that he was predicting were hilarious - if he was behind the plate, the Rays would have got killed - for his lack of professional opinion to call a game. I'd shake off everything he gave me. What a tool.
What an idea, bring a guy, who to my knowledge hasn't done colour commentating, or hasn't done it long enough in Ron Darling, keep Buck on XM, he's better at taking phone calls, and Chip Caray? Who names their kid Chip? What flavour?

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