Monday, November 08, 2004

A Letter

I just wanted to tell you a few more things... I saw Canada this summer, it was always a dream of mine, and I did it this summer. I had the most amazing time, I met so many people, and saw so many incredible things. I couldn't help but think about you when I was crossing the Praries. The numerous stories you used to tell me when I was a lot younger. I saw the infamous mustard fields, and more mustard fields. I also wanted to tell you that I finished University, I'm not sure if you knew that, but I finished last year, and I am graduating next year with a History degree with a concentration in Geography. Also, something really exciting to tell you, coming up in January I am applying to this big acting school in NYC, one of the biggest and best in the world. Literally thousands apply every year, and they only take 32! Crazy eh? Anyways, I just wanted to tell you those things. I'd like to tell you in person, but I guess it'll just have to wait. I also wanted to say thank you to you. You had always cared about our whole family and did everything in your power to make us happy, and for that I am greatfull. You are one of the reasons we are all here, so thank you. And most importantly, I love you, but I know you heard me say that. Say hi to grandpa for me.

Love, Ryan

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